17 December 2009


On 12 Dec, H22A club having a gathering at Aman Suria. Of coz Jakk wont miss this. He went to the gathering with Houk and Joshua.

We reached on 9:30pm, waited for 30min, then the first prelude turned up. Its Murkcaine, after that Roy arrived, followed by Dylan, tctf, Allan and many others. Its around 11 of them.

After 3 hrs of chit-chating, they pay and go to their ride while the "transfomer" of the club is arrived.

One of the member having the LED fan below the air filter, its cool, looks like sucking air for the air filter.Around 1am, they are leaving 1 by 1. Looking forward for next TT.

(may have more photo soon.)

ps: TT stands for Teh Tarik, when you mention TT in automobile world, it means gathering / meet up.


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