Trip to Port Dickson
7th of August
HPOC Malaysia organized a trip to Port Dickson. Aron is joining.
At the morning of 7, Aron arrived Subang Parade to meet up with Alpha because Aron don't know the way to Sungai Besi's Toll. =X
He is here, Alpha, the Type S lude =D
So we head to Sungai Besi's Toll after that. Most of them are arrived.Jebat and his diagnose machine.
Jebat tried to diagnose me but too bad something is wrong and it cant start.
Next, diagnose Alpha's ride, it is on! But it shows no connection....Anyway, will figure it out later. Lets start the convoy =D
We took around 40 min at North South Highway, cruising around 100km per hour, and then we exit to Port Dickson.
After toll...
After 5 min rest, we continue the trip. All the way to the beach~
We park according to generation for photo shooting.Jebat and Aron. Muahaha
After photo shooting, we have few event on the beach, which is:
1. Tarik tali
2. IQ test
3. Communicate without voice
Its fun, especially the communicate without voice, although didn't win, but still fun. Event manager draw a random monster, and they have to let their group member know without talking. All came out funny thing XD
Lunch time :DChampagne~
After lunch, Jebat, Alpha and Aron drive me to workshop nearby to change my o2 sensor, which is suspected malfunction and causing bad fuel consumption.
At workshop...Observing.....
Alpha and Jebat peace yooo
After changing the o2 sensor, the check light is gone after crank start me...wohooo
So this is the malfunction o2 sensor...
We head back to beach after that, and try to prang. Ops, check light comes back after 3.5k rpm.....gotta diagnose...
So Jebat took out his diagnose machine again, plug it to me, and the other side plug to the cigarette lighter in his car, and yes, it works!
Honda Prelude
Knock Sensor
So that's the problem making me no power =X
Will fix it next week....Thanks to Jebat again!
After that, they packed up, brief a bit about today's trip, and salam salam to all, then we go back to KL.
Nice and fun trip, Aron know more luder. Looking for the next trip. =D
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