Overheat Marathon
H22AOC having TT at Aman Suria at 9 of July. Around 9:15pm, Aron start me up and head to Aman Suria.
On the way, he saw a Civic Type R, so he follow behind him only. After turn into the CGC building, he felt something not right with me, air cond warm....rpm jerking.....eh? why got smoke come out from the hood?
OMFG, overheated!! The meter maxed the reading....
After he open the radiator cap, and fill in water. WOAH, all the sizzling sound come out, smoke come out like bbq.......have to wait until it settle.......
After fill in some water, and the temperature dropped, Aron start me up and hope that I can make it to destination, too bad, it heat up after 100 meter......
Forced to stop, when Aron is worrying where to get water....he noticed that there is a mosque beside him.....1 Malay uncle and 1 security guard guided him the source of water.
Alright, it able to make me to get to the destination. Meet Johnny, Dylan and his girl, and Zul.
Amen and Tajul reach after that, and Roy..he bring his girl too.... =X
Alright, time for game. They decided to go to highway to have some fun. Of course I am joining.
After we left the Original Kayu mamak, the temperature indicator goes up.....again.....Should be leaking caused by cracked water hose. Wasted...the event gonna be fun...
But Aron decided to go home.
Checkpoint 1: 7-11 @ Tropicana The guard shows him the location of the faucet, a bit far.....but still maintain to fill me up. Alright. Lets go.
Checkpoint 2: Petronas @ Segi
The water temperature didn't raise, but for safety, Aron decided to stop there and check the water level.Filled me up, lets move.
Checkpoint 3: Shell @ Jalan Sungai Buloh
This time, it gonna be a bit difficult....the faucet was locked, to prevent being stolen. And Aron saw this....
With the help of the worker, Aron got 2 bottle of water and filled me up.
Alright, we not gonna stop after this, because there is a long and straight road to my home.
Dead or Alive:
After came out from Shell, Aron cruising 120km/h +, and we made it, the temperature raised while we are 100m++ away from home.
What a night......will send to mech tomorrow....
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