Yesterday, Aron's friends celebrate Aron's birthday earlier at Tenji Japanese Buffet. There are 7 people total : Aron, Houk, KC, KY, Boon, CW and Ruby. Supper buffet, wuhuuu~
Around 7:30pm, me and Aron wait for CW and Ruby infront of CW house, for around....15 min......I bet they are making up XD
Alright, 8pm, Aron bring them to KC's house. After discussion, 4 car is going. KY fetch KC, Boon drive alone because he will leave after the supper. Aron fetching Ruby which is quite suprising because Aron didnt talk much with her, maybe he shy? XD
Also because CW know how to go to Tenji.
Go Go Go~
I lead them to Tenji, Houk cant stand for my speed, and CW know how to go. So he drive fast.
I maintain my speed.
We reached Tenji around 8:30pm which is 1 hour earlier than the buffet. So...they start to take photo~ Houk, KC, Aron, Boon, KY
Alright, 9:30pm, start to eat till it bankrupt.Bring it on~
This is what Ruby took, SUSHI!!
This is what CW took, Tom Yam~
After 3 hrs of supper, they start taking photo again while leaving. Cool guys
KY and Aron
CW and Aron
Aron met Kelly Chan. (Ruby lai de la.... =X )
Group Photo
Time to leave.
While Aron taking Ruby's handbag for her from my bonnet, he...saw...COCKROACH!!...inside her handbag. wadafak!
Malu wei... T-T
Hope she don mind. =X (don mind is tipu de.)
Still, while sending Ruby home, they seldom talk.....ah...well.....shy...=P
What a unforgettable night...
Happy birthday, Aron..
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