26 December 2009
22 December 2009
Back to Ori
After Tenji that day, Aron find that there is quite noisy in car, maybe because he fetching Ruby...aawwww...exhaust + wind + hood loosen + engine....
So...today he went to Kent Exhaust and remove the straight flow muffler from me, and install the original muffer.
Only engine roaring in the car...yea babeh~
Told by Jakk at 15:16 0 comments
21 December 2009
Yesterday, Aron's friends celebrate Aron's birthday earlier at Tenji Japanese Buffet. There are 7 people total : Aron, Houk, KC, KY, Boon, CW and Ruby. Supper buffet, wuhuuu~
Around 7:30pm, me and Aron wait for CW and Ruby infront of CW house, for around....15 min......I bet they are making up XD
Alright, 8pm, Aron bring them to KC's house. After discussion, 4 car is going. KY fetch KC, Boon drive alone because he will leave after the supper. Aron fetching Ruby which is quite suprising because Aron didnt talk much with her, maybe he shy? XD
Also because CW know how to go to Tenji.
Go Go Go~
I lead them to Tenji, Houk cant stand for my speed, and CW know how to go. So he drive fast.
I maintain my speed.
We reached Tenji around 8:30pm which is 1 hour earlier than the buffet. So...they start to take photo~ Houk, KC, Aron, Boon, KY
Alright, 9:30pm, start to eat till it bankrupt.Bring it on~
This is what Ruby took, SUSHI!!
This is what CW took, Tom Yam~
After 3 hrs of supper, they start taking photo again while leaving. Cool guys
KY and Aron
CW and Aron
Aron met Kelly Chan. (Ruby lai de la.... =X )
Group Photo
Time to leave.
While Aron taking Ruby's handbag for her from my bonnet, he...saw...COCKROACH!!...inside her handbag. wadafak!
Malu wei... T-T
Hope she don mind. =X (don mind is tipu de.)
Still, while sending Ruby home, they seldom talk.....ah...well.....shy...=P
What a unforgettable night...
Happy birthday, Aron..
Told by Jakk at 20:33 0 comments
17 December 2009
On 12 Dec, H22A club having a gathering at Aman Suria. Of coz Jakk wont miss this. He went to the gathering with Houk and Joshua.
We reached on 9:30pm, waited for 30min, then the first prelude turned up. Its Murkcaine, after that Roy arrived, followed by Dylan, tctf, Allan and many others. Its around 11 of them.
After 3 hrs of chit-chating, they pay and go to their ride while the "transfomer" of the club is arrived.
One of the member having the LED fan below the air filter, its cool, looks like sucking air for the air filter.Around 1am, they are leaving 1 by 1. Looking forward for next TT.
(may have more photo soon.)
ps: TT stands for Teh Tarik, when you mention TT in automobile world, it means gathering / meet up.
Told by Jakk at 14:46 0 comments
25 November 2009
This morning Aron and his mom went to Puchong Mun Lee with me to search for my signal lamp.
The guy at the counter is quite busy, but he is nice, unlike that fella last time....
RM60 for 1 side. Sounds expensive, but they take it without nego...Seriously, that place is a shopping heaven for guys.
After Mun Lee, they went to Sunway Pyramid for a walk and have lunch. Then go home and install the signal lamp on me. Aron DIY. XDJust replace the bulb and screw it.
Told by Jakk at 13:46 0 comments
24 November 2009
While Aron driving to his dad's workshop at 4, he hit something around the road bump, "pup-plak". He didnt think much and keep on going. At his dad's workshop, he realize that my right signal lamp is gone!!!
Aron go back to the "crime scene", he found......Because of the bracket is cracked, the screw is loosen, so it fall off.....
What an ouch....... >.<
Told by Jakk at 16:52 0 comments
21 November 2009
Aron bought an universal diffuser lip for me from ZTH. He meet the seller today at 1:30pm.
After trying to fit me, he pay and go have a walk in Sunway industry area with KC, searching for Tial Wastegate and GT Wing for KY's lancer.
We go back and install the diffuser at 4:30pm at the accessory shop opposite of Old Town. After 30 minutes, job done. The diffuser lip is just "fit fit". I think it disappoint Aron.....
kanasai, it looks weird = =
Told by Jakk at 17:37 0 comments
13 November 2009
Night Ride
6 pm of 12 Nov, Aron and CH have "dating" with girls. Wahaha, they go to CW's house together. CH fetch CW to Ruby's house to pick her up with his Celica. Aron and me go to 1u. Traffic jam....and there is a bit raining.....
They reach 1u at the same times as Aron (We traffic jam ma....somemore need to 'mok' parking =X) After have dinner in BarBQ Plaza, they decided to go to Euphoria. Alright~Aron fetch CW, and CH fetch Ruby....wuhuuu =X. CH ar.....fetch girl also drive that fast.......of coz drive slow slow enjoy 1 ma.... XD
4 hrs of clubbing past. We meet KY in Asia Cafe to have some drink and relax. Due to 'safety', Aron and me follow CH car to send Ruby back, coz he is quite tired, he keep dancing in the club XD
But still, drive fast fast.....Aron have to follow, so he engage VTEC to keep up....ishhh...don laugh at me, me old car =X
Mission Accomplished. After Ruby reached home, we go back together, maybe CH is very tired, still drive fast.....Aron and me also lazy to keep up, drive 60km-80km all the way back. XD
We reached home at 4:30am. This midnight is an unique midnight...
Told by Jakk at 04:55 0 comments
05 November 2009
Major Part Replace
Just came back from workshop, because Aron smell something weird in the car while driving, then he pop the hood at home, he saw smoke coming out....walaoyeh....then he go to mechanic in Subang 2. Mechanic found that engine oil leaking is quite serious, while the engine oil leak and drop on the exhaust, it "evaporate" so Aron can smell it.
It takes 1 day for the mechanic to examine me and do the fixing.
A lot of my parts are old, so the mechanic replace all, include new timing belt...weee~~
Although it is quite expensive.......but the mechanic sifu got skill, i think its worth....
Told by Jakk at 19:44 0 comments
03 November 2009
Unknown scratch
Aron and friend went to college for MQA interview section this afternoon, around 12.
As usual, need to "mok"(camp) for parking. They saw there is 1 near the cafeteria, Aron try to park in, but that is very difficult, as the drawing below:
Green = legal parking
Red = Illegal parking
Black = Me
So Aron reverse and then he saw a parking in front and straight away go in. Settled.
After college, Aron and his friend went to Dataran Sunway for a drink, then he smell that something like melted plastic in the car. So he went to mechanic Lim. He noticed that there is scratch near my bumper, at the left.
Is it when Aron trying to park in the difficult parking?
Or hit something made of brick? coz when he touch the scratch, he found something like powder on it.....
Told by Jakk at 18:38 0 comments
31 October 2009
Prelude VTEC vs Turbo Celica VVTLi vs Lancer MIVEC
After Halloween party in college, Aron, KC, and KY going to McD for some drink.
3 of us came out from college, KY Lancer floored the pedal, follow by Aron, and then the KC Turbo Celica. My VTEC keep engaging but just only can follow their butt.....>.<
After have 1 ice cream in McD, Aron went to The Curve to fetch a primary school friend and go for a drink in Station 1 Cafe.
We reach home around 2:30am, what a tired day. / . \
Told by Jakk at 15:19 0 comments
25 October 2009
Little Sticker
"VTEC" sticker which bought from Brothers. SSHHIIIITTT, this side is a bit sengek....just a bit....=X
Told by Jakk at 19:34 0 comments
22 October 2009
18 October 2009
After Aron got the spotlight from Dylan on last friday, he went to install it on me the next day.
Told by Jakk at 14:54 0 comments
16 October 2009
Gone Again
Just now Aron meet up with Charlie and Houk for a drink. While driving back home, he plan to engage VTEC, but....it gone.....no more wild sound......what's the problem this time.......oil pressure???
*SOLVED : engine oil not hot enough*
Told by Jakk at 00:18 0 comments
09 October 2009
Friday the 9th
Aron went to SK Accessories to replace my in-car lamp bulb to LED. When that sifu remove my lamp, he found that the lamp is broken, around the switch area....too bad. The sifu show Aron a new in-car lamp, which is bigger, but it is not nice.....like stadium spotlight....so Aron will try to fix the original in-car lamp.
We left SK and head to Brothers located in KD. It is a very good shop which have a lot of accessories for car, but the shop have bad reputation according to forums, maybe the attitude of those sales or quality of work? *just maybe...Aron haven't "bong chan" Brothers yet*
Aron start to plan how to make me become more handsome, with sticker?
wahaha, hope can install taller spoiler =X
Told by Jakk at 17:29 0 comments
05 October 2009
Failed to Start
After 2 days back to Jemaluang, Aron start me this morning and intend to warm me up.
Ops....i cant be start, after 10 minutes of trying, it still the same. He have no choice, but warm benz up and drive it to coll, and fetch his friend Ru too, too bad, benz run out of gas.....no air cond....hope she don mind =X
Aron's dad start me up with jump start cable and drive me to the workshop. After 2pm, Aron's sis drive me to college. I can see that Aron miss me much from his face reaction. XD
Aron been told that something is changed under my hood, after he is back from college.
Extended hose for air filter + bigger battery.
Told by Jakk at 18:35 0 comments
29 September 2009
Sunway Steamboat
Yesterday is Chloe's birthday, becoz it is Sunday, so Aron and friends have dinner with Chloe today -- Steamboat buffet at Sunway.
Wah, today so many car in college, have to park near cafeteria. Under hot sun >.<
But saw a lot of pretty girls, new intake? XDD
After 6 hours of class, Aron holding layout pad and art marker and walk towards me, start me up, warm me up, and wait for Rae. We are the first car depart to Sunway among them becoz....I only have 1 "comfortable passenger seat" =X
So, we are the most early "group" that reach Sunway Steamboat. Aron and Rae went into the restaurant. Then I chat with the Golf GTi which park beside me. =X
After 2 and a half hours, they came out. Wohoo, Aron is fetching Chloe and Rae back to KD. I pity Aron's friend's Saga, 6 people in 1 car.....>.<
They reach their hostel safely, me and Aron reach home around 11pm.
Told by Jakk at 00:04 0 comments
28 September 2009
24 September 2009
Leak Under Hood
This morning while Aron is driving, suddenly, sound like "ka ka ka" has came out from my hood. Aron went to check it out but have no idea what happen, he off the aircond, the sound gone. Then he send me to workshop nearby and check.
What the mechanic found out:
Oil leak from 1 of the hose and drop to the part below and all become "oil-ly", and spoiled.
So, the oil on the ground at home is not engine oil, but compressor oil.....
.......power steering oil leak and it effect the compressor parts.....the price.....wow.....
arrr...have to overnight in the workshop.....
ps: HID? maybe not.....spotlight? maybe getting original XD
Told by Jakk at 00:36 0 comments
21 September 2009
The Mightly RON95
Just now, Aron follow his friend, H's Celica to KD McD. He told Aron that he pump in Rm10 of RON95 becoz of no choice. Walaoyeh, inside the car sounds like lorry. Ear damn pain, and the performance of Celica is reduced.
After supper with Charlie's brother, H and Aron go and look for RON97 and luckily they found it. The nozzle of the RON97 have a label on it wrote RM2.05......H complain : "写到这样....打不起咩......" Of coz, just a joke, coz he already frustrated, becoz not all petrol station selling RON97 due to the "godly RON95". So that he need to travel more than 10km to get RON97, in the future.
Straight away pump in RM50. FUHYO, Celica no more noisy and the performance is back!
Now Aron experience that the difference of the 2 RON is quite a gap.........
Pros: Cheap
Cons: Cheap
For his car, at least. I can use it...wohoooo!!
Told by Jakk at 02:14 0 comments
19 September 2009
Party in the Rain
Yesterday, Aron going to his friend's birthday party around 6. With the present ready, we depart.
Well, its raining, sky is dark.....and yea...traffic jam....here and there...was stuck in traffic jam for around 20 min.....
At Bukit Jelutong....hohoho.....such a nice residential area....seriously, its nice, prestigious.
During party, Aron's friend---Yeo, has try me on the road. With the Vtec engaged, I hope he addicted to it. MUAHAHAHA...
After the cake is served, we go back home.....
Happy birthday to you, Yvonne !
psss, tell you all quietly, yesterday quite a lot of lengluiss...XD
too bad, Aron never know 1......iisshhhhh
Told by Jakk at 12:55 0 comments
17 September 2009
I'm back with replaced windscreen. It cost Aron Rm630.
The sifu says:
1. Do not wash the windscreen side.
2. Do not tint
3. Do not speed (maybe the windscreen is sengek becoz the glue / silicon not yet dry.)
within few days.
Owhhh, Aron gonna attend friend's birthday party tomorrow.
衰衰地 also need to wipe me gua......so dirty already >.<
Told by Jakk at 23:03 0 comments
16 September 2009
Rift Extend part II
After one day expose to sunlight in college parking, the rift extended to 1 feet long.....gonna replace it tomorrow.....
Told by Jakk at 00:25 0 comments
06 September 2009
Visited by Ifrit
05 Sept 2009
Workshop of Aron's dad is burned, cause by the short fuse of the illegal casino beside the workshop.
That night, Aron's family just went to the workshop and get the cupboard, then leave. Within 10 minutes, call received by his dad and being told that his workshop is on fire.
When they reached, workshop is already 50% burned. When BOMBA reached, 70%. They finally connect hose and ready to "shoot the fire", 90% burned. Aww....
The feeling is like......your wife is having sex with your best friend and they both enjoy each other but you are tied up and watching ....OUCH >.<
06 Sept 2009
This morning me and Aron go to the workshop, total lost wei...even machine in the big metal cupboard is melt. Plywood all gone. Forklift......not sure yet =X
Banyak rugi T.T
Told by Jakk at 14:02 0 comments
04 September 2009
Heart Check Up
The mechanic in Glenmarie says my timing belt is almost time, so Aron's dad ask him bring me to workshop nearby and let another mechanic examine my timing belt.
The mechanic open up my engine, and says the timing belt still can last for 10k-20k km. Alright, just leave it.
Aron and his friend went to The Curve to meet his primary school friends. On the way back, he engage my VTEC again to show his friend. awww.....
Told by Jakk at 19:50 0 comments
02 September 2009
The Return of VTEC
Today, I had my first service with Aron, we went to his friend's grandpa workshop which located in Glenmarie.
Wow, all of my oil has turn into kopi o color. Below is my service list:
1. Idenmitsu Honda Engine oil
2. Toyota Automatic Trasmission Fluid
3. Coolant
4. Spark Plug
His grandpa is a very nice guy, he give drinks to all of my friend, after service, got free gift which is a bag and a cotton which is suitable to clean the windscreen or any glass material.
The Encounter
While going to Al-bistro for lunch, Aron's friend who is inside a Celica, is trying to tell Aron something, Aron look at the mirror and guess what we saw.
Sound generated by its V10 engine, wow! The speed.....the pure engine sound......beyond turbocharger and supercharger.
After lunch, we head back to our home. Of cause, test the car after service =X
haha, due to insufficient oil pressure, the VTEC wont engage before these.
Told by Jakk at 17:02 0 comments
31 August 2009
Rift Extend
Aron's dad ask him to find some specialist who can repair my cracked windscreen.
The rift keep extending even I stay at home for 2 days.
Some forum member suggest Aron the ChipsAway company, it looks good. Located at Batu Cave..........damn.....got interior trim service!!
Told by Jakk at 01:42 0 comments
28 August 2009
The Truth
Today, Aron feel bored after he came back from The Curve. He open up my sunroof and check because it having problem with the drain tube. His dad saw and approach and check. His dad quite pro, after few minutes, his dad removed floor mat and the fuse box cover and found that the drain tube is actually disconnect, so the water leak into the floor mat.
The opened-up floor mat:
The passenger side leak too, his dad open up and it is all wet inside. He use a fan to dry it up.
Because of cant find the correct tools to connect the tube, so he ask Aron go to the workshop and ask for the help of the foreman.
The foreman connect the tube for the right, and while he check the left, it is disconnected too, after he connect, Aron pour in the water on the sunroof but the water is remain. It is clogged.
Foreman use the "air gun" to make unclog the drain tube, and it is working fine now.
Gonna test it while raining....wahahaha
*next time, do not buy aged car unless it is in superb condition*
Told by Jakk at 19:39 0 comments
27 August 2009
I am BACK~~ with the rubber frame changed.
But Aron noticed that it is still leaking. The foreman check again and found out that it came from the sunroof!!
Aron open up the sunroof and found that there is a pool inside the gutter.
He have no choice but to order the rubber frame of the sunroof.......aih.....
Its fresh. Cracked windscreen......Free of Charge......ouch.....maybe cracked due to the rubber changing process....
Told by Jakk at 17:14 0 comments
The Leak
Due to my age, most of the rubber frame from my body part are harden, especially the windscreen rubber frame. It leak, causing forming "pool" on the floor mat.
Aron ordered the rubber frame which is import from Japan (the salesman told him so), but not from tomyam-land because the salesman says I am the rare model, people seldom look for the rubber frame.
The label of the rubber frame casing. T-T *touching*
Told by Jakk at 13:45 0 comments