28 June 2011
19 June 2011
Brake Issue
Due to the brake fluid leaking time to time, so Aron decided to find out the culprit and settle it.
After Mech Chin's worker examine, found out it leaks from the brake caliper at rear driver side.
This is it...
To avoid hassle and save time, Mech Chin direct swap the brake caliper with another caliper found at chopshop.
Which is this...
After everything is installed. Aron pay and went for testing, and amazingly, he found that....
No Brake!!
To be exact, very weak braking power, which is need to press down almost 90% of the pedal, only you can feel a little bit of braking.
So drive it back to Mech Chin, and Mech Chin did something like bleeding...
After that is better, but still, braking power BEFORE all these is way better.....now I having weaker braking power.....
At evening, Aron drive me to Monterez Club for jogging, and found that.....the disc rotor got "gutter" = =
Compare to the next picture - Front Rotor:
Will test for few more days, to see if it will go deeper....
Told by Jakk at 16:38 0 comments
11 June 2011
After having lunch with family, Aron went to Rev Performance to get a Thermo Bandage.
Its time for some DIY stuff. +_+This bandage supposed to wrap the extractor to bring down the temperature under hood.
But it also can be use on wrapping the intake pipe, to bring down temperature inside the pipe.
First, pop the hood, and remove the air ram.
After removing the air ram, Aron saw.....
means the air ram itself is milling the oil catch tank, even it block by a piece of rubber-a-like sticker....the sticker gone....Heartache o...
hopefully this wont pierce....
Before the wrapping start, Aron open up the air filter kit and wash the sponge.
Lets get the WRAPPING started!!Took around 5-10min.
Reinstall on me...I like this angle.........
Benefit of the thermal bandage warped air intake:
- Maintain heat inside the stainless steel air ram
- Prevent heating up the stainless steel air ram
- Prevent scratches to the stainless steel air ram
- Make ur engine bay looks tidy ( Subjective, some driver may like the shiny shiny stainless steel air ram )
After wrapping, Aron bring me to Mech Kong, for a change of radiator fan motor which suspect by Aron's dad that causing me overheating.Dismantling......
This is a non-original fan motor.
Installing a new...non-original fan motor =X
Original fan motor cost twice of an imitation fan motor, and Aron is not sure whether is this causing the overheating issue.Mech Kong reinstalling.....
and he change my radiator water too, and add in coolant.
Result: Overheating issue isnt caused by slow fan. It still overheat.
Told by Jakk at 23:42 0 comments
05 June 2011
BBQ @ Batang Kali, Ulu Yam
Wake up around 7:30am, then go for breakfast.
Depart to Petronas Batu Cave at 8am.
Reach at 8:15am due to smooth traffic. As usual, we are the first arrived.
After waited for 30min, its raining. Ken arrived. After some chit chat, then Aron contact Amin and Allan, found out they are at the Petronas which is located opposite.
So we went and join them. 6 of them arrived.
After some chit chat as well, call the president, and found out again...the Petronas we was at IS the correct gathering point.
We waiting for other member and the rain to stop.
Rain stop around 11am +, we depart to Batang Kali. Convoy. Reach around 12pm+.
Unfortunately, 2 of our member got into accident, 1 black prelude hit another black prelude's rear bumper. A panel moved in, and lip cracked.
Lets get the BBQ + River Section started!!
3 pm, the rain is coming. We pack ASAP and get back to parking area.
Amin and his love 1.
We end up minum at one of the mamak at Gohtong Jaya.
Traffic today is jam everywhere. Aron dropped Steven at Amin's house, then we went home.
Reach home around 7:30pm.
Told by Jakk at 20:02 0 comments