26 February 2011
Hidden Info
Since it doesnt show fuel and water temp, Aron decided to remove it, for the convenience to try out the meter while buying.
DIY style!!
First remove the tweeter cover, then remove the screw located above the gauge visor like picture below, there are 8 of them.
After that, take out the rubber trim below the visor, just pull it out will do.
Remove the visor that attach with the clock adjustable, remove the connector will do.
The fuel meter and water temp unit is there.
Remove the screw that hold it, 2 at the each side.
Remove the connector, 1 for clock, I'm not sure what is the middle unit for..., and the other 1 is for fuel meter.Done.
Now the car like track car, until we found the meter.
Told by Jakk at 12:54 0 comments
23 February 2011
10 February 2011
CNY Bonus Scratch
After Aron finish his discussion with his group mate, he return to the car and saw a familiar plate on the ground, he go near and check, found that its my number plate.....and my front bumper was kena scratch by a car .Deep scratch caused by the screw of the number plate bracket...ouch.....
Few clip bracket broken.....zzz
According to the placement of the bracket on the floor, the story should be...
" A driver is reversing his / her / it car, he didn't notice my number plate bracket is located in front of the bumper and thought he / she / it can make it without touching anything....after that, the fella ran away......"
Told by Jakk at 14:29 0 comments
[ DIY ] TopFuel 1000
Bought a TopFuel Power Chamber from Dylan.
Time to do something related to performance, muahaha.
Let the installation start !
DIY Style!!
Pop the hood.
Locate the clip that lock the original rubber hose with throttle body, loosen it and take out the hose.
While Aron is going to put in the TopFuel intake, he found that the converter hose that come along doesnt fit the throttle body....
So he went to buy another converter hose, the black 1.
Problem solved !
After 2 hrs.....
Told by Jakk at 14:11 0 comments